Spyshelter Firewall Serial Port

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Hi,Is there anything special I need to do to use one of the USB ports on back of rx2800 for a serial terminal session on another system? On HP-UX 11.31.There are 2 USB ports and I have each USB to Mini-5 cable plugged into a P2000 disk array controller to configure it.I see these devices:/dev/tty0P0/dev/tty1p0in /etc/uucp/Devices I have 2 entries.Direct tty0p0 - 115200 directDirect tty1p0 - 115200 directThen I tried using# TERM=vt100; tset# cu -ltty0p0it says I get connected however I can't see any characters and the only cmds that work are # or. To get out.Can anyone suggest if I am doing this right or if I am off base here?Thanks muchbigdaddy68.

I know nothing, but.A USB port is not the same as a serial port.I would not expect 'cu' to work with anyrandom USB device.Because I know nothing about what's supposedto be connected to the USB port on a 'P2000disk array controller', whichever model, I'dprobably try reading the manual before Istarted connecting cables. And my guess isthat I'd be trying to talk to the thing overthe (Ethernet) network instead of trying touse its USB interface.Knowing nothing, my guess would be thatthere's some Windows program which knows howto talk to the USB port on one of thesethings.

But I know nothing, and I haven'tseen a manual. AFAIK the special driver for windows systems turns this USB connection into a serial port for configuring the P2000No software can turn a 'USB connection into aserial port'. A USB port is one thing. Aserial port is a different thing. (And a'connection' is not a 'port'.) The 'S' in'USB' does stand for Serial, but that's justabout all that the two things have in common. I assume you cannot do this with a hp-ux system.If you had enough software on an HP-UXsystem, then you could probably use a USBport there to communicate with the USB porton one of these disk arrays. But you mightneed to write most of it yourself.

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No software can turn a 'USB connection into a serial port'.Steven, once I connect a P2000 via USB and I load a driver, I get another COM port and access it with any terminal emulator, e.g. Reflection, putty (serial), hyperterminal, etc.So it works like a 'normal' serial port.You can find the same when using a new Procurve switch, you do the same thing there, connection with a normal USB cable, load the driver and access with a terminal emulator application.So in fact you 'turn the connection into a serial port'.Try it or read about! So in fact you 'turn the connection into a serial port'.That's like saying that Telnet can 'turn aconnection into a serial port'. Many thingsallow communication, but that doesn't makethem all serial ports. So it works like a 'normal' serial port.That doesn't make it a serial port, either.It might emulate a serial port.With enough software, many things can emulatemany other things. Without enough software,dissimilar things stay dissimilar, which iswhy merely connecting a couple of USB portstogether is unlikely to do anything useful,if you were expecting then to act like twoserial ports, which they're not.

Torsten, that probably means the P2000 has a built-in USB-to-serial adapter. That's a piece of hardware: therefore, Steven's 'No software can turn a 'USB connection into aserial port' is accurate.The original poster seems to be trying to use the USB ports on the rx2800 side.HP-UX has USB support for a very limited range of devices only. As far as I know, this includes only USB hubs, HID devices (keyboards, mice and equivalents) and some mass storage devices.This seems to be the latest official word on the state of the USB hardware support on HP-UX:Looking at the multitude of USB-to-serial adapter drivers existing on Linux, it looks like there is no single 'USB-to-serial adapter' standard. (Or if such a standard exists, it doesn't seem to be widely adopted yet.) So I would not expect HP-UX to start handling.all. USB-to-serial adapters on the market. If we're lucky, perhaps HP will support the adapters included in HP's own products, but I wouldn't hold my breath.MK.

Several models the Vault come with an external COM port that can be used to view the Vault’s console output. This COM port is simply a redirect from the Vault’s display output (whether HDMI or VGA). Importantly, this output is used before an operating system boots, giving the user the ability to use the COM port instead of the VGA or HDMI ports for things like adjusting BIOS settings (if needed).Connecting to the COM port is relatively simple. Given that there aren’t many computers with COM ports these days, you’ll want to make sure you have a USB to Serial adapter , as well as the serial cable that was supplied with your Vault. Plug your serial port adapter into your computer.

If you’re running Windows 10, drivers should not be an issue. For the pinout of the COM port, see the table at the bottom of this article.Note: For users who do not have a DB9 port on their computer, instead of using the supplied Serial RJ45 to DB-9F connector as well as a serial to USB converter, you can use a direct USB to serial RJ45 converter.By default, the Vault’s serial port is enabled, so out of the box, you can connect the RJ45 end of the blue serial port to the port labeled “COM” on the Vault.

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Investing in shops skyrim. Be sure not to plug the COM port RJ45 into any of the Vault’s network ports.You also need to know what COM port your USB to serial adapter connects to. This can be found in the Windows Device Manager (Start – Settings – Search for ‘device manager’). Refer to the image below for where to find which COM port you need to use. In this example, we are using COM3.On your computer, you’ll need to use extra software in order to access the COM port. In Windows, Putty is a popular choice.

Download, install, and open Putty. You will find yourself at a screen that looks similar to the following.First, click “Serial” under “Connection Type”, then adjust your “Serial Line” as necessary. Next, change the “Speed” to be “115200” (this is the default value the Vault is set to).Next, click “Open” and you will see a blank terminal window open. Power on your Vault and you should start to see the equivalent of the VGA or HDMI output appear in the console window.If you wish to access the Vault’s BIOS, you can do so by repeatedly clicking the key as the Vault boots. You should see a screen that looks like the following (note that the below screenshot actually shows COM port 4, not 3).If the COM port is not communicating, it may be because “Console Redirection” is not enabled in the BIOS.