Homeworld Patch 1.04

Request for help:We have a list of currently missing patches on our site. Feel free to post/email us links if you own any of these missing patches or want a patch added, which isn't yet listed.A new design for The Patches Scrolls is available - in beta right now while we work out of the remaining bugs and roll out new features which are still being tested -is now at.We will keep the old design available under www.patches-scrolls.com until all old content is available on the new site.Copyright: The Patches Scrolls, 1995-2013.

Nitro microphone underground the laboratory rare. Shaw Communications, Router: D-Link WBR-2310 A1 FW:1.04, connected to Comcast High Speed Internet v5.6 patch by AT4RE homeworld patch 1.04 risk 2. Homeworld V1.05 - March 27, 2000 Changes to version 1.04 o 'Superscouts' problem fixed (Fighters not doing complete attack runs due to re-issuing of attack orders) o 'Dancing scouts' problem fixed (Fighters dodging when switching between tactics settings quickly) o Support Frigate repair rate decreased.

File details

Category: other
Subcategory: Official files
Size: 1.97MB
Downloaded: 1486 (bandwidth usage: ~2.86GB)


Click here to download Homeworld 1.05 patch


Patch necessary for most mods to work, also improves gameplay and fixes bugs.


Homeworld V1.05 - March 27, 2000
Changes to version 1.04
o 'Superscouts' problem fixed (Fighters not doing complete attack runs due to re-issuing of attack orders)
o 'Dancing scouts' problem fixed (Fighters dodging when switching between tactics settings quickly)
o Support Frigate repair rate decreased
Homeworld V1.04 - October 21, 1999
Changes to version 1.03
o Defender gun stats adjusted
o Heavy Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced
o MultiGun Corvette build time reduced
o Minelayer Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced
o Cloaked Fighter gun stats adjusted
o Carrier build time decreased
o Carrier hyperspace cost increased
o Attack Bomber armor increased
o Missile armor decreased
o Missile tracking decreased
o Missile Destroyer mass increased
o Bounty rating capped at 250.
o Homeworld now checks all available CD-ROM drives for the Homeworld CD - the Homeworld CD can be placed in any CD-ROM drive on the system
o Cheat detection for multiplayer games.
o Screensavers will no longer activate when Homeworld is running
o Various Save Game Bugs fixed
o Homeworld Dedicated Server Support
- If you create a game and are behind a firewall, you can now choose the server you use when you start the game. People can have lower latency games if they select a server that is geographically close to them. Also, people will be able to create their own Homeworld Servers with a separate program we will release soon.
New Commands added for online chatting and game control and creation. All of the commands are preceded by an ! mark, this designates the start of a command.
o Ignore
- Works only for the chatting in a room. In the chat text box use the following syntax: '!Ignore
o Ban
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: '!Ban
o Kick
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: '!Kick
o Limit
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: '!Limit
o The statistics files are now being checked for inconsistencies in multiplayer games. If inconsistencies are detected, warning messages are added next to the appropriate line in the statistics files.
o The ability to view the world from any ship's point of view. Simply run Homeworld with /pilotView option (e.g. Homeworld /pilotview), and then focus on a single ship. Hit Q to toggle pilot view on and off.
Running Homeworld in Windows 9x:
o Homeworld will use the DirectSound mixer if your sound card driver reports as certified, otherwise Homeworld will use the Waveout mixer. If you have a newer sound card with new drivers, such as the Creative SoundBlaster Live or Diamond MX300, you may receive better performance by using the /dsound command line option because the drivers may not report as certified. If you have a slightly older card, such as the Creative SoundBlaster AWE32, and are having problems with sound try using the /waveout command line option to force use of the Waveout mixer. If you experience crashes that you believe are related to sound try the /waveout and then the /dsound command line options to see if one mixer is more stable than the other with your sound card and drivers.
Running Homeworld in Windows NT4:
o Homeworld will default to using the Waveout mixer, you should not use the /dsound option unless you are having crashes that you think may be related to sound.
Homeworld V1.03 - Sept16, 1999
Changes to version 1.02
- A problem with auto-detecting firewalls was fixed. Previously it would always detect that you were behind a firewall.
- Previously, OpenGL was not available for any of the Nvidia TNT cards under Windows9x. This was disabled due to driver problems under Win95. OpenGL is now available for Win98 but not Win95.
- The Intel i740 is now more reliable under Direct 3D.